About Us
"Hot-n-toT" is Miami's premier marketing and promotions agency, designed to drive traffic to clients' websites and promotional events. As a subsidiary of 'Crimson Inkorporated', Hot-n-toT is comprised of two main elements: The "Hot-n-toT Girls" (or "Hot 'n' toTs") and "Hot-n-toT.com". Both work in conjunction to facilitate brand recognition and create awareness for our clientele. Hot 'n' toT also serves as an agency for aspiring models; representing them in endeavors beyond the core of the agency.
Hot 'n' toTs: Hot 'n' toTs serve as Brand Ambassadors for our clients. They are best known for and easily recognized by their curvaceous, voluptuous look, and playfully flirtatious demeanor. Their distinct and different personalities provide a friendly and professional atmosphere at all social and promotional events they attend. These attributes allow them to command an eager and growing following all over South Florida. They are fun and sexy, yet command a sharp professional acumen. The Hot 'n' toTs are a growing staple in the urban marketing scene.
Hot-n-toT.com: The Hot-n-toT Website is the home-base for all Hot-n-toT activity. Hot-n-toT.com is a host for client promo banners, interactive member pages, event calendars, social network updates (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, BlackPlanet), an e-store, and all news related to Hot-n-toT and its clients. Hot-n-toT.com is the core of the Hot-n-toT world.